Extensive Online Documentation
What's online documentation? How can it help you get more familiar with the concept of Internet hosting?
Even though the web hosting service provided by the different companies is nearly identical, every provider has got a customized platform with its own tweaks and ways to carry out certain procedures. This is the reason why, a huge knowledge base would be truly useful both for persons with no previous experience and for technically seasoned users who will at some point discover how given procedures are completed, but will lose valuable time meanwhile. The objective of such a knowledge base is to make the service quick and easy to use, saving users lots of time and effort. The consequence is more gratified customers, as they can easily find the info they’re searching for, and much less work for the tech support staff, because typically most of the inquiries and problems that clients have got are already listed in the knowledge base. If the articles are expertly written and encompass more things, you’ll be able to find out more not only about your own account, but also about the web hosting service as a whole.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting
Linux shared hosting packages that we offer include an in-depth knowledge base where you can find everything you may ever need to know in regards to your web hosting account. Irrespective of whether you are aiming to create a new MySQL database, to redirect a
domain name by means of an .htaccess config file or to set up an e-mail account on your desktop PC or cell phone, you can simply check our help articles and all the information that you need will be there. When you visit a certain section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you can see articles that are dedicated to the features that can be accessed through it. In case you want to check the whole list of articles and get familiar with all the functions that Hepsia offers, or simply to read generic info about the web hosting service, you can explore the whole knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We have done our very best to cover any predicament that you might stumble upon, but in case you don’t find what you require, you can always get in touch with us, as our customer care team is on duty around the clock.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Linux semi-dedicated packages come with extensive online help documentation where you will find information about all the functions that our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel comes with, plus solutions to different questions and difficulties that you may stumble upon. All installation guides offer detailed instructions, which suggests that you will not need to worry about overlooking something in case you need to export a database, for instance. The troubleshooting articles encompass a variety of different feasible causes of given issues and the solution for each of them, so if you’re unable to send emails although you have the right outgoing mail server settings, for example, you can swiftly discover what the reason might be and rectify the issue with a few clicks in your email client. As the Hepsia Control Panel offers quite a few features, you’ll be able to find applicable articles in every section. In case you would like to browse all help articles, you can use the Help menu, which is located in the upper right-hand side of the Control Panel.